Invite for VR CEO’s

Private Group for VR CEO’s

I built my career by hosting Meetup events in San Francisco. I hosted 30+ of them over 3 years. Next I built a virtual events company where we turned users into avatars who could walk around a virtual event venue with full functioning VOIP and spatialized sound. We hosted thousands of those. Now, I’m continuing my mission by launching a private community on Skool specific for VR CEO’s. Click here to Join now

For those who aren’t aware, Skool is well on its way to becoming a billion dollar platform. It’s led by founder Sam Ovens who previously built his consulting business to $30M per year then exited. He’s personally invested $10M of his own capital during the past 4 years as he’s built out Skool to a product with 16 million monthly visitors in the month of February. And also just closed a fresh $10M capital injection from the Hormozi family. My bet is that we can build the world’s greatest VR CEO community on top of his product.

So here’s the plan, we open applications today and get together 150 of the top VR CEOs as members. Then we bring in VCs, corporate customers and partners, to work with members. A win/win/win.

We cross pollinate insights across members, we survey members anonymously so we can share data on best practices, as well as to better comprehend metric expectations for consumer apps, enterprise teams, and deep tech products.

You can learn more about my vision for this community on Tuesday at 2:30 PM ET during an invitational webinar. You can register for that conversation here. So far our Skool community has 10 accepted members.

First 10 Members

Our first 10 members have raised $60M+ in total. The largest having raised over $25M, second largest $15M, and third having raised $13M. Our members come from backgrounds of leading teams at Niantic, EA, or have previously built startups as the founder to 500M monthly impressions. Goal: 150 members who are the top CEO’s in VR.

This is an incredible group of entrepreneurs who are now setting their sights on the AR/VR industry.

  • If you are a VC, these are the folks you want to fund.
  • If you are a dev, these are the companies you want to work for.
  • If you are a corporation, these are the startups you want to partner with.

I will sort through all the applications over the next 2 weeks, so join now, we will gather 150 of the top VR CEOs, and that is when I’ll begin shifting my focus to hosting private monthly conversation exclusive for members. We will also be publishing resources, databases, and reports to help members with insights. Combined with facilitation of introductions to customers, developers, and investors. I made my first hire last week, I’m paying for all of this out of my own pocket and am putting my money where my mouth is. (membership is free).

I’m confident this is going to be extremely valuable resource for our XR industry, together we will continue to build the 3D future.

High tide floats all boats, and our goal is to pump as much water into this ocean as possible.

If you’d like to join as a member you can check out our Skool, and please be sure to RSVP for Tuesdays webinar conversation for VR CEO’s.

Thank you for reading,

Don Stein

Founder @ Spatial Collective

RSVP to learn more —>

Join here —>

p.s. Stay tuned as we are putting together a market research report about the state of AR/VR and the top buyers from Fortune 500’s.

Don Stein

Subscribe to read and watch weekly interviews I conduct which help you craft a world view, business strategies, and your perspective on life.

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