Fundraise Convo for VR CEO's (private, invite-only)

Venture Capital Reality Check

A (virtual) reality check for AR/VR founders from top VC's

It's my honor to invite you to RSVP today to the best VC conversation of 2024! We've arranged for three top investors to share their financial perspective. The audience will be full of AR/VR founders. Conversation will be curated by myself, so you know it's going to be great!

Venture panelist

General Catalyst

The operator extraordinaire, Andrea Wang! She's a Partner, Seed/Early investor, and former operator at Amplitude and Lime.

Boost VC

The most active VR investor, Adam Draper! He's funded half the industry, and runs the #1 accelerator for making Sci-Fi a reality.

Genius Ventures

The augmented reality legend, Ben Taft! He sold his AR startup to Apple, scouted for Sequoia, and founded Genius Ventures.

Don't miss out on a chance to chat with the top VCs in AR/VR. Nobody can give advice like these three, Seed to Series B. More than just great investors, they're lovely people, join our May 8th conversation at 2:30 PM EST on Zoom. More to come but RSVP now before spots fill up. So that you don't need to deal with calendar hassle, I've set up the RSVP so you just register on Calendly and it'll add the Zoom link to your calendar.

Don Stein

Subscribe to read and watch weekly interviews I conduct which help you craft a world view, business strategies, and your perspective on life.

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We're starting! Ben is the founder of Road to VR, Dean is the lead writer for VentureBeat covering games, we've worked hard over the last week to put together an educational presentation around how you can get press coverage from them and others as an AR/VR founder :) Join us on ZOOM now: I hope this conversation is really helpful for you! :) -Don Stein

Reality Check (rsvp) A (virtual) reality check for AR/VR founders from the top tier of VC investors It's my honor to invite you to RSVP now to the most helpful AR/VR funding convo of 2024. We've arranged for the top investor from Lightspeed Venture Partners to share his investing perspective on AR/VR. The audience will be full of founders. Conversation will be curated by myself, it's going to be super helpful for AR/VR startups. Venture Guest… Lightspeed Ventures The investor of all...