AR/VR is taking over the Enterprise

Hi Everyone!

Two things that I hope are helpful on your journey through virtual reality and augmented reality.

  1. Invitation to our venture capital panel on May 8th
  2. Free 26-page research on AR/VR in the Enterprise (use cases from Mercedes, Unilever, Boeing, Airbus, Walmart, BP..)

Venture Capital Panel for AR/VR Innovation (RSVP here)

On May 8th, I'm hosting a panel with 3 venture capitalist who are leaders in AR/VR investing. They're people I've met over the years, and respect their views on our industry. Adam Draper is of course the founder of Boost VC, which is the most active AR/VR investor globally. Ben Taft is the former founder of Mira, which was an augmented reality company acquired by Apple. And Andrea is a Partner at General Catalyst ($18 Billion raised). They were nice enough to agree to sit down with us so we can ask them some questions about where the industry is headed. I'd love to invite you to join me on May 8th at 2:30 PM EST.

AR/VR Technology Creating Enterprise ROI (Download here)

My team and I put together a research report about AR/VR for you! It's not perfect, but we did our best and I hope you find some value from reading. You can find the 26 page PDF here: Enterprise XR Research Report.pdf.pdf. Feel free to ask me for introductions to any startups listed in the report, I know them all and am happy to facilitate an intro to grow your network!

Hope you find value!

-Don Stein

p.s. Any questions:

Don Stein

Subscribe to read and watch weekly interviews I conduct which help you craft a world view, business strategies, and your perspective on life.

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